Meaning of bulls and bears in stock market

Meaning of bulls and bears in stock market

By: dogis Date: 22.06.2017

Terminology used by stock brokers and Wall Street insiders tends to be rather complicated what with jargon such as margins, small cap, and indices, it can be difficult to tell what the devil these people are talking about. While the origin of the stock market terms might be somewhat vague, their definitions are quite precise.

meaning of bulls and bears in stock market

Generally, a rise or fall of 20 percent is the benchmark for describing a bull or bear market. A bullish market is one that is rising and a bearish market is one that is falling. A bull is an optimist who thinks prices will rise and a bear is a pessimist who thinks prices will fall.

So which came first — the bulls or the bears?

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The earliest recorded use of the term dates back to The use of the two terms also has roots in English hunting culture and the expressed characteristics of the two animals. Bulls were known to be animals that are aggressive and bold, unafraid to charge ahead.

On the other hand, the bear is a creature that is much less outwardly aggressive and tends to hide from it perceives to be approaching danger.

meaning of bulls and bears in stock market

In a tradition that dates back years to the California gold rush, a bull and a bear were thrown into a ring to do battle as entertainment for the miners. The furry critters providing the entertainment were two widely followed stock market prognosticators — one an unapologetic bull and the other an unabashed bear.

Stock market news background noise terms bull vs bear market are used to describe market conditions and also to astroforex pdf particular analysts and brokers.

Those with a more conservative approach meaning of bulls and bears in stock market investing inherit the general moniker of being bears.

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Bear Came First So which came first — the bulls or the bears?

The Bull vs Bear In a tradition that dates back years to the California gold rush, a bull and a bear were thrown into a ring to do battle as entertainment for the miners.

Personalities The terms bull vs bear market are used to describe market conditions and also to characterize particular analysts and brokers.

meaning of bulls and bears in stock market

Bulls Vs Bears2.

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