How to make money illegally or legally

How to make money illegally or legally

By: Someo Date: 19.07.2017

I say out loud what others only think. I take great pleasure in expressing the hard core truth about awkward situations at Misscue. This is an inspiring and thought provoking question that I can actually answer intelligently by offering viable solutions for making money pretty fast.

Like many Americans experience at one time or another, when I couldn't find a job I had to resort to my creative instincts. Although there were times when I wanted to get fast cash through illegal venues, I usually managed to stay above the law, and work for my money by earning it legally. Since most of you will request legal methods of manifesting cash, I am immediately ruling out the top three illegal methods of acquiring cool, hard cash Plus, I'll simply toss out these two extra kilos of Peruvian cocaine that I was gonna mail to you to help you out for a quick cash fix.

Now, with that said and since we've ruled out the easiest illegal methods of quick cash accrual, let's get to some real solutions that can work for your benefit, without too much manual labor.

The more money you have, the more money you can make in fairly reasonable amount of time. But, when a person does a Google Search on the internet and asks how to make money quickly, I have to base my answer on the assumption that they need quick cash. Most likely they are sitting in a single room studio dwelling and the electricity is about to, or has been shut off, and they are seeking a quick fix because they don't have any money Just in case, I am wrong, I will offer you solutions that don't cost too much to start.

These methods utilize capital that you already have. With the way our economy has taken such a huge dump, many Americans are finding themselves broke and out of work. But with a little creativity, and by using resources that are easily accessible and already available, you can make money. By utilizing some common sense, it is a good possibility you don't have to sit in the dark.

One of the most beautiful things about this day and age is the fact that we have access to the world wide web, and along with it, tons of potential ways to make money and millions of potential customers. You have the world at your finger tips. Realize it and use it to your advantage. You can do the 'buy and resell' method with a number of profitable items.

If you don't have any cash to start with, you can make money with items that you already own. At this point you need to make a conscious decision about how much value you place in things that you already own.

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At first it may seem really hard to let go of personal possessions, but in order to get that food on the table, you have to let go There just isn't time to be a sentimental sap. You can replace these things later on in life when you, once again have a solid stream of income flowing your way.

However, until that happens, you have to sacrifice some personal belongings that you hold dear to you. Be realistic and think of the pro's and con's.

Which would you rather have: Or a home with a door that your family can walk through to sleep, eat and. Start small, but make wise choices on what you are willing to release and sell, in order to make some fast cash. You may find that you are able to put together a pile of stuff that you don't really care about, and can let go of, without too much anguish.

how to make money illegally or legally

But in all honesty, if you think about it, the stuff you own, that you really like to keep, are usually the things that are the faster sells. If you think something is cool, there's a good chance that most other people do too Rummage through your closet and pull out items of clothing, shoes, purses, belts, and scarves that you are willing to part with. Take these items and get them ready to sell by cleaning, washing, and preparing everything to look as nice and nearly new, as you possibly can.

Sew missing buttons back on, mend any small tears, wash and iron the clothes, then fold them nicely and place them into a travel bag. I found two stores that are on our main street downtown that buy clothing from the public and they pay you cash on the spot! Check your phone book or internet for locations for clothing resellers like the one I described.

Look for a listing in your town for a store called CrossRoads Trading Company! It took me a couple times of failed trips where CrossRoads Trading Company didn't buy anything I offered, but I had to figure out styles they prefer. Then I had to let go of some of my favorite blouses and dresses, because these were the same items they wanted to purchase from me. So, don't give up if they turn you away a couple of times because persistence pays. They offer little reference post cards that list items that they are currently buying.

I'm now known as a regular there and the employees know my name when I walk in with my arms full of clothes. Another way to accrue a bank load fairly quickly is by buying and reselling vehicles.

If you can find a junker that has potential, you can turn it over and end up with a few thousand bucks more than you started with. It had been sitting in a guy's driveway for over a year, covered with cobwebs and other nasties that tend to appear with time and the keys were still in it.

I jumped into the drivers seat, turned the key over, and to my delight, that bad boy started right up. I paid the man, and drove off. I took it home, gave it a good scrub down, installed new carpet remnants that I acquired on craigslist's 'free' section.

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I took pictures with my phone, then wrote an ad with a headline that made every potential buyer click on it in curiosity, and of course, re-listed it on craigslist. And lastly, on a bigger scale, you can buy and sell homes and make a gang of cash within a matter of just a few years Also referred to as, and inspired by, our old friend Parker Brothers' Monopoly the game.

I bought and sold four homes by doing this. I got started by buying a mobile home in a park.

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After two years, and numerous hours of manual labor, I sold it and moved into a small two-bedroom Victorian beauty. Five years later, we bought a huge house with the capital from the two previous sales. I have utilized all of the methods I listed for making lots of money quickly and legally, and all three methods were profitable. These are proven successful methods of creating income and fun ways to come up with dough pretty quickly without breaking any laws.

Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. No HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. It still stuns me every time I think of all the different methods I have utilized, in order to survive. I can, and probably will, write seven more hubs on the numerous ways to make money, when you don't have a job. What we do when we're hungry I plan to share with my children that have left home but not really seem like, you know what I mean.

They need a helping hand every now and then and this list will help. I'm checking out your amazon hub next.

Thanks for the tip. A big thumbs up and useful! Yes, I do know what you mean By the way, with the Amazon hub, a good tip on a source for finding books to sell, is your local public library. They always have a 'for sale' section where you can get good popular books for about a buck a piece.

This is a great source. Another way a lot of people make money selling other people's stuff from garage sales, etc Books sell very well especially books that are hard to find or rare. I do consider all the ideas you've presented on your post. They're really convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are very brief for novices. May just you please extend them a little from next time? Thanks for the post. Thanks for the post, it's very informative: As for me I earn money with playing online games and slots like spinslot, but I think trying your ideas will bring me more money.

I know that by selling stuff you can at least get money for a meal, or perhaps pay the electric bill down a bit in order to avoid a shut off. Payday loans are expensive and cost money, plus you need a paycheck to get a loan.

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I have reviewed each of the comments and I have one thing to say QUIT SPREADING THE WORD ABOUT BOGUS ATM CRAP!!!!! Like I said, if it sounds too good to be true Anyone who reads the previous comments about the ATM scam, please do not respond. At first I was curious about those comments, but then when I saw that all kinds of folks are posting about the scam, the more curious I got.

But after some thought, it makes no difference anyways. If it sounds illegal So, anyone who reads those comments and wants to make a quick buck It's as simple as that Nice write up, i learned a lot , I was once in a business school and after my graduation things became hard for me my Dada is late and I can't get help , what should I do to really survive. Please rate this article using the scale below. The scale is from 1 to 10, where 10 is the best and 1 is the worst.

Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others.

How to Legally Make Quick Cash - Making a Lot of Money Fast Updated on February 23, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Source. I have been employed, and self-employed, under-employed and unemployed. NO dope slinging, NO car heisting and NONE of the proverbial bank robbing But you have to remember the golden rules: You can't get something with nothing! Ain't No Money Trees Growing In Our Neighborhood! You have to make an effort to make money because money trees are only in fairy tales Unfortunately, the best ways to make fast money is by utilizing assets you already have It is fairly simple to create cash.

Selling Items You Already Own One of the most beautiful things about this day and age is the fact that we have access to the world wide web, and along with it, tons of potential ways to make money and millions of potential customers. Now, you are ready to sell On my third attempt, I hit pay dirt!

CrossRoads has expanded to internet buybacks too. Online venues are running rampant: They purchase a variety of couture, but are known for carrying vintage and retro clothing from the 60's, 70's and 80's. They buy clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, belts, and accessories, like sunglasses. They even bought the vintage suitcase that I brought my items in.

They buy online too. Sell By Mail process takes between 4 to 6 weeks from the bag request to payout. Some stores even buy jewelry.

Use their Clean Out Calculator to help estimate your payout amount in advance. The bag comes with a pre-paid, pre-addressed shipping label to ship back to them for free.

You can earn thredUP credit, cash out with PayPal, or donate your proceeds. These items can be mailed back to you instead, for a fee of course. ThredUp purchases women and children's clothing, in just about every size except newborn. In 60 seconds, list your items for sale on Tradesy. Take a few photos of your items plus, petite, and maternity sizes also accepted and they will clean the background of the photo for you. Feel free to pick your own price or they will suggest one for you.

When your item sells they will send you a free prepaid shipping kit, complete with packaging. Unlike others, they take returns. I love shopping at Swap.

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It is a consignment based website that buys and sells children, women, and men's attire and accessories. Buying and Reselling Vehicles Another way to accrue a bank load fairly quickly is by buying and reselling vehicles.

The Monopoly Game And lastly, on a bigger scale, you can buy and sell homes and make a gang of cash within a matter of just a few years Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in 30 Seconds. Getting out of Debt. Interesting, informative, amusing and well-written. Another benefit is that you usually can sell items for a lot more money online. Great hub Miss Cue! Assist the poor people to earn more money for a better future life. Thank you very much. How good is this article? Industries Service Marketing Retail Finance Tech Manufacturing E-Commerce Accounting.

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how to make money illegally or legally

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