How to get neopoints on neopets fast

How to get neopoints on neopets fast

By: dgA Date: 04.06.2017

What is the Basic Way to earn Neopoints? There are many ways. I've seen a lot of them, and there are only a few that appeal to me. So, I pulled a few out of the hat to share with you. The Races to Riches should be sold at NP, Trevor Trove NP, Faeries Fortune 1, NP, Peak O Plently at 8,, NP, and Icetravaganza is at 70, NP!!!!! If you look at these numbers, you can discover you can get rich?

I just started doing it this way. You will most likely double your winnings. Sometimes you get But you get 10, NP quite often. The Magic can fetch you a hefty Morphing Potion or Gardening Item. There was an article about this in issue 46 if you want to know more.

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Here you can get healing potions for free Never buy them from Kauvara or the Water Faerie Not bad for every half hour. You should only put in Neggs you find on the ground, because they all cost to much to buy Neggs and put it into the Neggery.

You will lose money on most Neggs, and not much of a profit.

There once was a 2, NP item for sale at 20 NP, and that wasn't where it stops. Toys, food, pretty much every item you find in the regular shops. But be forewarned, sometimes you can lose money This is quite a hard one to judge. Some games are good, some are bad. I'll list the good ones here.

Play 3 or so a day. I don't care about my Uni and Gelert, the old Gelert and old Grundo, but my Koi I prefer he'd stay.

how to get neopoints on neopets fast

There is something about his Koiness I'm not telling you about Look out for when he's in, and please vote! You can give your pets a makeover and win from it to. There are some good graphic editors in the Help section of the site Be forewarned, don't download all at once.

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Not much people really. It's so simple to heal them, and they wouldn't mind the added TLC. He usually sleeps during the nighttime and mid-afternoon. The Neggery becomes a plus here for dirt cheap Neggs About 10 NP for a single brown Negg? Times that by and that's 1, Negg Tokens!

Although I doubt you'll get that much, you can sure get some good prices in the long run, and that's just by comparing those items. Also invest in Gardening Items. The homes for your pet will be coming out soon! Sometimes you even get some items! It's good for people with good reflexes. Earn a Space Map, which sells for a thousand or two NP. And get all nine, get stronger pets, lots more NP, and three super rare items.

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Some are good, some are bad. See if the items are in your price range first-and see if they're worth it. I'll tell you the best for each. Faerie Quests-up to NP. Most of these items are found in the main shops. You better hurry, no shop wizard until you do. Underwater Kitchen-up to NP. Get a stronger pet or a super cool item. But the prices have skyrocketed lately.

Witch Tower-up to NP. Most of the time you get Pumpkin Pies and Cookies, which are no good really. I once got a Fish Negg! You can get either cards, food, or special items. Pretty much the same items from the Magic Panel on Wheel of Excitement. I don't trust this, it's a real gamble.

how to get neopoints on neopets fast

Snow Faerie-up to NP. You can get either super cheap or super expensive quests. Why does she always asks more bottled Faeries?

But you do get 3 different prizes, an item, a snowball, and a NP bonus. Like I need a certain Faerie Quest item? Now, these are sites for helping you. Some others real quick are Poogle Racing, Faerie Crossword, Poems, Storytelling Competition, Voting for New Pet, etc. I'm thinking of doing a follow-up, but he NeoHome is just released and I got to do some work!

The Ways to Earn Neopoints by epk.

How to get RICH on neopets- FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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