Advice to young traders binary options

Advice to young traders binary options

By: tiha Date: 07.07.2017

I am a college student and started trading seriously back in , so what I would like to do is put together a post for the younger traders out there as general advice based on my experience, including things I would do over again if I could could go back in time.

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This is geared mostly toward those of high school or college age, but I feel those that would classify themselves as new or inexperienced with regard to trading would find some use of this post, as well. First of all, I would recommend that all young traders, regardless of their trading talent level, go to college and get a degree for starters. Like I mentioned in my previous blog post Is it possible to trade binary options for a living? Even an experienced trader who has tens of thousands of dollars at his disposal to trade will find it difficult to make a living trading.

If you are fairly certain that you would like to pursue trading as a career, then looking into a major like economics, business, or finance might be the most pertinent avenue.

However, these majors will likely teach absolutely nothing about how to trade profitably or the intricacies of technical analysis.

advice to young traders binary options

In fact, at many universities, you might be more knowledgable about trading and how financial markets work in general than any economics professor. However, what these majors will do is give you the skills to become employable in a wide range of professions.

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Each of those would bolster your candidacy for junior trading jobs for hedge funds, banks, private trading institutions, and so forth. Also, highly consider the possibility of taking an accounting class in college. It can be one of the most rewarding courses you will take and supply you with skills that other classes will not give you.

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Regardless, be sure to branch out somewhat in your course selection. Doing this your first year of undergraduate school is best. Perhaps you went into college wanting to be a trader or some type of profession related to your interest in the financial markets, and end up coming out a physicist or on your way to law school.

Always keep your options open. And once in college, time management and prioritization become vastly important. Never trade when you have work to do, are stressed out, or lacking on sleep or proper nutrition. In general, the higher your GPA, the better job offers you are likely to receive. Now as for actually getting started in trading, my number one recommendation is to always stay on demo accounts as long as possible.

When you first start out you will simply not be profitable.

advice to young traders binary options

There is a strong learning curve. And if you do reach the point where you are able to trade live, keep your investment size reasonable, otherwise emotions will take over. The nice progress you made on your demo account compared to your dismal real-money performance will almost seem like the worst luck imaginable is corrupting your trading results.

My Advice to Young Traders I am a college student and started trading seriously back in , so what I would like to do is put together a post for the younger traders out there as general advice based on my experience, including things I would do over again if I could could go back in time.

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advice to young traders binary options

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